
my sister tells her son to throw the crankies away. sometimes i feel like doing the same thing, except as a yoga teacher, i now see the world in yogic terms. so if i'm feeling cranky, i'm feeling rajasic, my pitta is out of balance and i try to practice yoga to create samana. i still get cranky, but now i can be a better detective to figure out why i am so cranky. is it the food i eat? do i need more sleep? i should definitely meditate more. and talk less.

like a scientist, i create a hypothesis to why i'm feeling  a certain way and test it, using the yoga tools that i have. i can see what works and what doesn't, knowing that what doesn't work now may work another time. when i get too into my head, i get cranky. when i try too hard, i get cranky. when i'm afraid of something at a such a subtle level that i don't even realize it's fear, i get cranky.

and on those notes, off to bed! let's see if more sleep will crank the crankies out of me.